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Funding Description
Auslan Interpreter Funding Strategy subsidy funded by the Queensland Government (for QLD residents) with aspirations to complete their certificates and/or diploma in Auslan and/or interpreting
Employment Access Fund (EAF) provides funding for work-related modifications and interpreting services. The current annual funding allocation for interpreting is $6,000
Indigenous Interpreting Project (IIP) The IIP aims to increase the number of certified Indigenous interpreters in Australia, focusing on priority regions. If you speak and indigenous language and want to learn more about becoming an interpreter, please email (Note: NAATI received funding for this project under the Commonwealth Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy)
Industry Development Fund (IDF) established by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI), the IDF provides up to $250,000 per year with the purpose to assist projects that address industry issues such as capability, capacity building and innovation
LanguageLoop Research and Innovation Grants Program provides funding for professional development, research opportunities and initiatives that help drive increased uptake and innovation in the language services business
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) NDIS participants and carers can access language-interpreting services at no cost. NDIS Planners, Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Services and Local Area Coordinator (LAC) Services can help source an interpreter for NDIS related supports
NAATI Research Fund to promote relevant translating and interpreting research
National Sign Language Program (NSLP) provides free interpreting and live captioning services for seniors without a NDIS plan. This can be used for medical, social and professional activities including banking, attending weddings, funerals, clubs and cultural events. All services are delivered by Deaf Connect.